Asphalt has always been and continues to be the pavement of choice for America. At present, 94 percent of the roads in America are surfaced with asphalt and for those who know the benefits of asphalt, there is no substitute. Difficult economic times are causing some to suggest that owners and specifiers take a second look when it comes to pavement type selection. In the asphalt community, we welcome this opportunity to discuss the benefits of our product and why asphalt pavement is right for America, right now and into the future.

Asphalt in Livable Communities

The Role of Asphalt in Livable Communities acknowledges the momentum towards creating more livable communities and details the versatility of asphalt pavements and sustainable qualities that make it a natural source for advancing the goals of livability.  The report also recommends that livability goals be broadly defined to ensure that all of the population benefits and that funding for livability not siphon money away from needed pavement preservation and infrastructure maintenance.

To learn more, view or download the white paper “The Role of Asphalt in Livable Communitites” by clicking here .

Jobs in Asphalt

The asphalt pavement industry is a leader in the construction and maintenance of America’s road and highway transportation network. While asphalt pavements serve a national market, they are built by people who live and work in the areas that they serve. Asphalt jobs truly are Main Street jobs that cannot be outsourced overseas. Asphalt jobs are also green jobs; asphalt is America’s most reused and recycled material, and virtually every worker in the industry is involved in reuse and recycling in some way. The asphalt pavement industry is proud to support the people who rely on our country’s infrastructure as well as those who have made the industry a career choice.

A new document from the Asphalt Pavement Alliance breaks down the industry by the numbers to show the important role that workers in the asphalt and contributing industries play in the lives of all Americans. To learn more, view or download the white paper “Jobs in the Asphalt Pavement Industry” by clicking here.


There is no doubt that societal trends and economic realities will shape the pavement market going forward. Those driving factors include public funding issues, an emphasis on sustainable growth and livability, unemployment trends, and future supply/capacity. Accounting for all of these factors, asphalt is perfectly positioned to address future markets in both highways and other infrastructure.

Because asphalt is a renewable, sustainable material, it is environmentally friendly. What may surprise some is that asphalt fits very well into livable communities – places where people have multiple transportation options.

  • Buses run on asphalt pavements.
  • Asphalt underlayments help high-speed trains stay on track.
  • Asphalt can keep bicycles and pedestrians out of the mud.
  • Porous asphalt can be used to manage stormwater.

To learn more, view or download the white paper “America Rides on Us” by clicking here.